The RinkSense system operates with colder water than the traditional system, without sacrificing ice quality. It is simple to install and easy to use; it requires little maintenance and no additional energy.
The RinkSense system produces a harder, clearer ice surface. In addition, due to the use of cold water, the temperature of the ice surface remains constant during the operating day, resulting in improved conditions in the late afternoon and evening.
Energy consumption decreases because the cooling requirements are less and it is not necessary to heat large amounts of water. This decrease reduces CO2 emissions, which is positive for the environment, for people and the planet we share!
NBP International, a company operating successfully for over 25 years, has created a new division for sustainable products/technologies. This division’s first initiative was to introduce an innovative system called RinkSense (RS) to indoor ice arenas.
Contact us today for a free consultation or more information.
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